While this reputation exists in basically every aspect of my life (friends, work, school, etc.), I will focus on it in a work environment. I once had a job that included a lot of driving and people usually did not want to take their cars even though we got paid a fair amount per mile. While I never made an effort to drive, as it is occasionally nice to just sit in the passenger seat and relax, I would always volunteer myself if nobody else wanted to. I feel that there is no reason to make a big deal out of something so small, and arguing over something so unimportant does not lead to anything worth while. Basically every time I am asked to do something on the job, even if it is from somebody that has no authority over me, I go ahead an accept it because I find it easy to say yes, which I feel reflects my laid back attitude.
Just today I was at work and my supervisor complimented my ability to stay calm and collected, especially when faced with a high volume of work. While this is an example of one of the benefits of being laid back, having a reputation can yield a mixture of results. For example, the fact that I say yes to a lot of small tasks makes it easy for people to approach me with new tasks, which can lead to more work than I can handle.
I am sure that if everyone in an organization had the same attitude and reputation as I have then things wouldn't run very smoothly. An organization needs people of many different reputations in order to achieve things efficiently in my opinion.
There are definitely points in my life where I would like to stray away from my reputation in order to have a bit more control of situations, but my reputation mimics my true personality so it is often hard for me to actually go through with such actions. I feel that I will someday begin to transform my reputation in a way that helps my career goals be met, but for now I am very content with my reputation and its influence in my life.
I can not think of a situation where I would have the opportunity to cash in on my reputation in favor of some immediate game. I would be very interested to hear of any possible was that one could cash in on a laid back reputation.